Tuesday, September 6, 2011


President Obama has made speeches of late, chiding Republicans for not getting on the Obama bandwagon for the sake of the country. His hubris is noteworthy. However, his solutions weren't. He wanted businesses to spend more, hire more, and grow our economy. He noted they are sitting on a good cushion of cash. To induce such projected effort on the part of businesses, he talked about possible tax breaks.

Now, with 16-18 million people out of work, significant numbers of homeowners late on their mortgages, the stock market with a downward bias and exhibiting occasional tsunami-like waves, etc., it is no surprise that spending is down. However, if spending is down and confidence shakey, why would businesses risk their cushion of cash? They can alternately invest in relatively safe debt instruments, make some money, and await the return of the spenders to America the beautiful.

Furthermore, since one of President Obama's shrewd proposals was a new "free trade" package, intelligent observers will note and perceive that that is precisely the move which would lower job creation. It must be allowed that when politicians talk about "jobs," they are mostly alluding to the service jobs, which typically are very low-paying ones. As no one can survive on a service job alone, such people must have at least a part-time job in addition to the full-time service job. Maybe there won't be one available. Result: Work hard and still can't make it.

The U.S. Constitution has a well-conceived mechanism for commercially protecting native workers and domestic businesses. It's called a tariff. Apparently the Founding Fathers did not perceive a future population composed of suicidal citizens. Perhaps more accurately stated, they did not perceive that the citizenry would consistently elect people to public office who were enemies of the national state.

It goes without saying that "free trade" is the system of internationalists. Jews were its leading proponents, as their globally scattered, mostly urban communities provided a trading edge for Jews against non-Jews. Arbitrage of commodities was one trading aspect which Jews exploited successfully. The silver/gold trade between India and Iberia being a single instance of this.

Libertarians claim to approve of "free trade" as well. They envision a better world with little or no government. This thinking has a certain affinity with Marxian socialism, wherein the government has dissolved away like a vestigial part no longer needed, leaving the workers' paradise of Communism. It is a variation of the messianic period according to Jewish thinking.

"Free trade" strongly biases monetary flow toward the nation with the cheapest labor, other factors being approximately equal. That fact explains bankruptcies and "sending factories overseas." And THAT fact helps to explain joblessness. It is a PLUS/MINUS equation. Generally, if you are winning a trade relationship, your partner is losing. Naturally, the reverse is also true. Has anyone ever heard the term, D-I-V-O-R-C-E?

The Republicrats basically follow the Gospel According to the Rich People. Give the rich people a tax break, because they are "job makers." Although Capitalism is as international as Communism, Republicrats fancy that they are "conservatives."

Their "Tea Party Movement" is composed of people who elbow each other out of the way in their rush to the Israeli leadership for outward signs of approval. Sarah Palin, according to the usually correct American Free Press, wore an Israeli flag lapel pin on occasion while holding political offices in Alaska, including governor. Michelle Bachmann graduated from high school and then went to the Israeli state, where she lived in a kibbutz! She learned a lot, no doubt.

Mitt Romney has written a little book of his proposals for improving America. He claims that he brings a business acumen to the elective table, which, of course, Barack Obama does not. The President merely has Goldman Sachs advising him. (The advice so far has seemed to be: "You give us a trillion dollars; we will buy your better interstates and bridges, carefully constructing toll booths every other mile.")

Guess what? Mitt Romney favors "free trade." Yes, he's a rich capitalist. He wants to bring discipline and measure to the U.S. budget. He wants to cut the "freebies" to old folks and sick people. Perhaps he will propose some sort of Peas Corps that will hand out legumes to the needy.

Interestingly, Mitt Romney, as a Mormon, considers Jews to be brothers. Mormons believe that the Northern Kingdom of Israel went westward, and that Jews derive from the Southern Kingdom of Judah. It may then be no accident that Mormons such as Mitt Romney consider themselves to be fellow-travelers with the Jews in "free trade" and debt-mongering.

Parenthetically, I also believe that the Ten-Tribe Northern Kingdom of Israel plus the 200,000 of Judah that were taken into bondage by the Assyrians migrated westward, becoming the Kelto-Germanic people of Europe and England. Earlier migrations from Judah, Benjamin, Dan, and Naftaly had already colonized the "Western Isles." However, Jews undoubtedly are a mixed multitude (Biblically pronounced to be "thorns and nettles" to Israel), composed of the only lines-certain of Canaan and Esau. Through their Chazar bloodline may also have been introduced the "Gog/Magog" element.

Interestingly, talking about contemporary American politics and economy, even the richest and the most powerful men in the U.S.A. cannot escape the gravitational pull of the Bible. The debt-mongers will learn eventually that they have an ineluctable debt to pay for the harm they've done to the Promised Land.

Do you wanto make a deal? How does it feel? With a leadership of Fausts, the Devil sits at the counting house, wriggling his fingers together. "Gentlemen, will it be Puts or Calls?"

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