Thursday, June 11, 2009


The recent events at the Holocaust Museum brought transient moments of terror into the lives of some 2000 people who happened to be visiting the museum at that time. Such people are shaken by the thought that they might have been the one who was shot and mortally wounded. A blend of "bad vibrations" lives on within these people for weeks thereafter, as they play out various scenarios and ramifications. For some the experience of a non-specific form of guilt may leave them depressed. For all those who experienced that bloody moment, it was a "bad trip" that will live on for some time - perhaps the remainder of their lives.

However, people are resilient. I believe that most people overcome disasters, whether manmade or "acts of nature," such as volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. Humanity was endowed with a good portion of "moxie" from the outset. That was a good thing, as they regularly have to exhibit it at numerous times and places on this good Earth. Victory may go to the swift, but it also goes to the tough and resourceful.

The importance of the Holocaust Museum's Day of Blood may not be the event per se, but rather, the derivative events that may cause permanent changes in the laws by which we live in America. With the media leading the way, powerful interests will certainly used this event as an opportunity to pass legislation that would permanently wound and cripple the beloved First Amendment. This may well be attempted in several ways that need not be apparently related.

On Capitol Hill there will be rushed into sloppy form a potpouri of previously planned legislation. which have the thrust of preventing "hate crimes." A Bill which protects Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenderites, warlocks, witches, Rock Stars, vertically- &/or horizontally-challenged people, and Satanists may roll out for a vote before the Fourth of July. President Obama will announce his enthusiatic support for this legislation.

On Capitol Hill there will be rushed into sloppy form a potpouri of previously planned legislation to limit the sale of firearms, bullets, knives, forks and spoons. Anyone who violently uses such weapons with discernable, assumptive, or hypothetical hate on Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, women, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenderites, warlocks, witches, Rock Stars, vertically- &/or horizontally-challenged people, and Satanists will automatically receive a mandatory five year sentence and a one million dollar fine. There will be ardent cries to repeal the Second Amendment. Intellectuals will reason that only Homeland Security should have guns, because they only exist to "protect us."

Sincere futurists may envision and polemicize the need for society to abort post-natal humans who have been deformed by Nazi doctrines, "racism," and Anti-Semitism. They will point out that if Hitler's idea of a Germany owned and operated by Germans found exceptance, then the Era of Anti-Semitism will have been enthroned. If such doctrines were accepted everywhere, there would be no place for Jews to call home - other than the State of Israel (sic). The community of western intellectuals would unite to buy a full page in the New York Times, denouncing such a trend. Congress can be expected to hold "hearings" on this matter. President Obama pledges to support a diversity of Jews in high places throughout the world. Obama assures: This is what democracy is all about.

Opposition to growing neo-Nazi influence, said to now number in the scores of people, will impel Congress and the White House to pass a law to abolish unwarranted freedoms in America. Congress will then promise to imprison every American, if that's what's needed to preserve our precious freedoms.

Did the Holocaust shooter unintentionally shoot Uncle Sam in the heart?

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