Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I recently changed the theme for my LJ site, Mensched4time, as I could no longer control the color of the printed letters. The old theme background color was black. I used yellow for the print. It worked well enough. The changes wrought by LJ in its attempt to be better have made things unworkable.
The problem may be a quirky aspect of the new software. At any rate I decided to put my LJ blog here, as it could not be placed there.
However, I have been monitored for years by the secular spying organizations that work with and report to the fedcops. They both pretend that the have been accumulating useful intelligence, and the material they gather regularly has been reported to congress and the media.
Anyone who criticizes Israeli policies or Jewish commentaries or actions will be noted by organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, which organization has kept and presumably continues to keep archives of such people. It has the character of an enemies list. Still, some enemies have been more “enemy” than others. I’m probably considered one of the worst.
What made me so dangerous to Jewry and its fedcop controls was my view that Jews weren’t a privileged group to defer to.
One manifestation of their monitoring and dirty tricks has been to put me on an “A” list for their in-house hackers. They intrude into my computer whenever they are moved to do so. It might involve an uploaded video that they don’t want available for “airing,” such as my series on “The Camps” (WW2). It might be the unflattering portrayals in my satiric media page, Faux News Press (Bravenet – see “danceswithbullets”).
One of their favorite hacking tricks is to make images “invisible.” Since I use images whenever feasible in my many blogs, this creates a problem for me. I sometimes have to publish without. This minor “dirty trick” by hackers frustrates the completeness of the blog concept. Another dirty trick involves creating a condition at “login” site that has the effect of causing the login site not to respond to clicks. Another is to either make a “save” tab invisible or to make the “save” process thrown into a sort of infinite loop where the printed material isn’t saved.
There have been innumerable incidences of harassment, dirty tricks, and remote electromagnetic/pulse attacks. The latter has been going on daily for three years at the present place where I live. The intention in this form of torture is not to cause excruciating pain then-and-there; the intention is to destabilize the mind by relentless, disagreeable, and abnormal pulse disturbances on the skin and available apertures (none are spared). This guess by me in regard to the intention of unknown and unseen perpetrators does not rule out the possibility that they have been attempting to induce physical disease.
It should be understood that these kinds of attacks have been sanctioned by the established leadership in this country. The rapid formation of a defense of the NSA’s spying on radios (cell phones) was led by pillars of the intelligence community now earning substantial amounts of money as “advisers” and “consultants” such as Michael Chertoff, Philip Mudd, et al. Yet the disclosures about the NSA’s spying on Americans using a vast net that catches mostly ordinary people going about their mundane lives was relatively innocuous in comparison with the truly evil practices that intelligence organizations aim at people who have been identified as “deniers” (holocaust or 9/11 – take your pick).
Everywhere that Jews have managed to seize control of the governing machinery of a nation/empire, they have secured control of the intelligence organizations. All the heads of the various USSR secret police organizations, whether named “Cheka” or “KGB” or something else, were Jews. They oversaw and directed the great massacre of the Russian people, calculated in the 50-60 million range. In short they build police states. This has been done because they have been everywhere a minority – and often a despised one. They cannot long hold control where elections have been free.
What was said of the USSR could be said of all the key nations of the Warsaw Pact. The secret police and party chief were typically Jews.
Torture has not been an exclusive tool of Jews, but none relish the power more than Jews. They enjoy revenge. It’s “mother milk” to them. From Torquemada to Abe Foxman unsavory characters have worked their injuries however they could.
Many of the high-tech devices for torture have been developed by DARPA and its many allies in the defense-intelligence corporation network. Some have been used against enemies in the field, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Others have been seized by intelligence agencies and tweaked to their own brand of evil. In either case defeating the enemy provided the pretext for usage. For intelligence organizations anyone outside the organization is an enemy. Any and all “profane” citizens would certainly qualify.
Any citizen in America who challenged the orthodox Establishment position in regard to world government, terrorism, money creation, religion, or who promoted strictly national concepts or conversely argued in favor of secession would be likely to have earned a dossier and to be stalked by secular spies, as well as fedcops. If any were troublesome enough, they would likely experienced “The Treatment.” Some have been framed and sent to prison. Modern technology makes it possible to frame nearly anyone.
In a nation where presidents, civil rights leaders, and famous musicians have been gunned down, only the naïve would ignore the clear signs of the approaching death of the nation. Who has been behind it all is no mystery either. Punish them? They control the syndicate that controls the nation.
No wonder that bona fide Christians have become the New Palestinians. The Christian religion has been ousted from policy influence. The Cabala has been enthroned in politics, media, entertainment and international finance. It is the religion of the Judeo-Masonic ruling circles. It is the religion of the emerging world community which they will control.
When Mordechai Vanunu told the world about the Israeli nuclear weapons, he was tricked and shanghaied into the Israeli state, where he would spend long years in isolation, torture, and general cruelty. He was a “light-bearer.” Very few indeed responded to Vanunu’s plight. Those who speak the truth most effectively about the most important issues suffer most at the hands of the Resident Evil – both here and abroad.
Unseen torture does not move the masses. Even blood on the streets may be ignored.
The great buffalo herds of America were slaughtered because men seeking their hides could sit on distant mounds and relentlessly shoot them; although a buffalo might fall right next to another, they did not move much. The event was not perceived as a harbinger of personal danger. The body count continued apace.
Although I have experienced harassment for years and, recently (including tonight), experienced another hacking event aimed at preventing me from utilizing a web site (as well as the daily dose of electromagnetic molestation), I am certainly only one small piece of a growing network of people targeted by an apparently increasingly paranoid ruling circle(s). It’s tough to be a part of a small minority desperately trying to rule the world community. No wonder they fret about over-population and the need to annihilate six billion or so people! Desperate people do desperate things.

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