Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have listened for many months from the mouths of America’s elected leaders, from those of their expert advisers, and from the kibitzing print and audio-visual outlets a range of explanations of why the economy is “sputtering,” why our national debt is so huge, and why we must increase our ability to borrow from banks and from other lenders by raising our national debt limit.

The Tea Party Movement burst upon the scene to lobby for less spending and a renewed commitment to balancing the budget to halt the accumulation of debt. They appear ready to cut programs that keep poor people above water, to eliminate many other “social” programs, while maintaining – or perhaps increasing – our aid to Israel (sic) and military effort against foes elsewhere in the Mideast.

My personal view is that a sort of “street drama” is taking place between 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. All sides in the discussion are advocates of solutions that help great banks, financial institutions, and the global network of central banks. There is far less concern for the nation than there is for the “World Economy.”

When these people talk about the “World Economy,” they are not thinking of the poor people of the world; they are talking about central banks, great international banks, their entourage of huge international corporations, and the “statesmen” and politicians who serve their interests being paid.

They have already decided to attack Social Security, Medicare, and "entitlements" generally. One of their feckless, unseemly ways is to repeatedly reformulate "coat-of-living" adjustments to cheat seniors out of the buying power that they have on their constant levels of payments through Social Security.

What can the “little guy” in America do? Most of these people feel trapped in a system they mistrust. If they have anything at all, they strive to support the system for the family – the kids – and a hoped for retirement in a decent lifestyle. “Maybe the kids can figure out a solution,” they comfort themselves.

According to commentary I heard over the radio while driving, there are “16 million jobless” Americans today. Eggheads, of course, scoff at the figure, noting that the United States has over 320 million people. Such people would advise the president that the figure is “acceptable.”

However, if all those 16 million unemployed were put to work at a lower middle class annual level of $30,000, only about half a trillion dollars would be involved. If those people were put to work on infrastructural construction projects, the money they earned would circulate about the political economy creating revenue for other businesses. It would help to bring life to previously “dead” areas of the body politic. This would also apply to other areas invigorated by positive payments from a pro-active American government not afraid to build to own, to invest and to partner.

A major reason for the present woe in the United States is that it is ruled by people who are contemptuous of the concept of “nationhood.” They believe that America’s destiny is to force upon the world a global government, led by a “congress of enlightened people.” They have great success with their schemes because so many “educated” people have bought into it. Not only do these pitiful specimens work to minimize the influence of ordinary Americans on policies as voters in the global parliament, they work to make themselves and their children superfluous. Astonishingly, they believe their “sacrifice” to be noble.

Naturally, with the present leadership and its host of sacrificial centurions, the most precious “gift” of our Founding Fathers, according to interpretation of tradition, is “the economic interconnection” of the World Community. They all consider this the number two principle of good governance. What’s number one? Their control of the economic machinery so that “irresponsible voices” don’t assume power.

Since ruffians will elbow their way to the top in many “provinces” in the World Government and be represented in its parliament, the policies it promulgates will be consistent with a good old American syndicate. “Meyer Lansky! Where are you when the World Community needs you?”
Parenthetically, Meyer Lansky not only was a member of Murder Incorporated, but he was acclaimed as “the financial genius” of organized crime. He somehow seems to be the epitome of a responsible world leader today. He might have been the first president of the United Republics of the World had circumstances been slightly changed.

What about me? Naturally, I don’t fit in. I am – admittedly – a God and country sort. The world community is merely a “rich-folks” project.

Nevertheless, I make bold to say that, as president, I could make the United States greater than it has ever been. What would I do?

It must be admitted that the country cannot be saved without the wholesale removal of anti-nationalists from positions of power. The magistrate holds the sword not vainly. Hence, virtually everyone in the White House, on Capitol Hill, in the Supreme Court, in the Pentagon, and in the intelligence agencies would have to be removed. Also, the Department of the Treasury would have to be cleansed of its countless “friends of central banking.” As they would not like such a turn of events, a counter-nationalist coup d’état could easily be predicted.
The media would be screeching and wailing dire warnings of “extremists” taken over the government and trying to thwart the “will of the world community.”

If I survived the early months of change that I commanded to take place, I would then face one of two situations: 1) a cooperative congress or, 2) an uncooperative congress. In the latter case I’d declare martial law and dismiss congress.

Assuming the former pleasant eventuality, I would direct the newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury to institute a body within Treasury to set up parameters for monitoring the domestic aggregate of money and establishing the proper level of money at the outset. Another section of the Treasury would begin setting up a national banking system that would be completely connected. Each citizen would have an assigned checking account (debit-credit) and personal check card. The nation would also have an account.

Throughout America ATMs would be established in all cities and towns. National bank branches would be established in all major urban areas.

Now, this major transition would be disruptive. That is one reason why martial law would be probably required – or something close to it. The military and national guard would be put to work helping to set up the new banking structure and providing assistance to citizens who may have many requirements. In fact a portion of these militarized forces might act somewhat like a concierge at a first rate establishment. They would need to coordinate logistics during this transition.

In America the People rule. However, before they can rule, they must be empowered. In part that is what this transition period is meant to accomplish. Therefore, the rule of bankers would be toppled; then, the rule of the People could take its place.

I will admit that the transition from usury and blatant greed to one of “people united for the general good” would not be easy for many Americans. The ostentatious rich may threaten to flee to Great Britain, France or Israel (sic). Good riddance! And take the idle rich with you!
Caveat: America doesn’t oppose wealth; it opposes illnesses within the political-economy of the nation that resulted from manipulation of capital and debt to the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, which is the situation today.

I want to be very clear on this point: The United States would embrace the concept of easy money, rather than the dear, or scarce, money policies that have dominated our nation for the greater part of 200 years. Rich people like to keep the pool of money tight to create the scarcity that increases the buying power of their large accumulation of it. “The rich get richer,” is an observation of the objective situation. As Edgar Bronfman is quoted as saying, “If you have $100 million, $110 million is inevitable.”

Of course, only the rich have $100 million to begin with.

Since the income tax would be eliminated, the IRS, which is already a branch of the Treasury, might be assigned duties related to cyber-intelligence, hacker annihilation, anti-counterfeiting and other money frauds. As the body within Treasury that will be created to monitor the nation’s money supply will have excise taxes as a potential tool to withdraw money, the IRS would probably have some work in that area as well. However, a down-sizing of the IRS would be justified by the new financial scheme.

Since the FBI also seems to be active in the hacking area of the Internet, a portion of its duties might be reassigned to the IRS.

It would be a capital crime to attack the national banking system. Money is the blood of a national domestic economy. Its life is in the blood, or money.

The national banking system would operate a new U.S. dollar that would be the only full legal tender currency in America. These dollars would be interest-free Treasury Notes. They would not be the same as the Federal Reserve Note dollars. The latter would have no fixed relationship to the U.S. Treasury Notes dollars. Federal Reserve Note dollars would no longer be accepted by the U.S. Treasury for the payment of anything. Undoubtedly, the Federal Reserve Notes would achieve some level of auction valuation in regard to the new U.S. Treasury Note dollars.
I would order that every one of the new dollars must be backed by a physical dollar that would kept at a new fortress facility that I believe the IRS could run. The idea is to prevent the fractional banking system of the Federal Reserve System from “creating” U.S. Treasury Note dollars. These non-national banks would also be monitored by the IRS for counterfeiting through fractional banking of the national currency.

This process of putting the new system into functionality as soon as possible would require the necessary technical skills and the manpower that a combination of money experts and military experts should be able to manage. Part of that would include the human skills that HHS and other agencies could bring to bear to see that the citizens are not forgotten in terms of their needs. The Department of Agriculture would have to secure, probably in conjunction with the military, a continuous flow of foodstuff.

The Treasury, Social Security and the Census people would have to coordinate in order to credit citizens that are owed money. Before the banking system is set up, there would certainly be a need on the part of the citizenry for suitable money. Government banking branches already in place throughout the nation would be used to provide the citizens the money they needed to get by. To that end the Treasury and the Bureau of Printing and Engraving would work diligently to print out the new currency in various denominations to meet the people’s needs during this transition.

Once the national banking system is in place, normal Social Security payments would be paid through a direct deposit into the citizen’s checking account. This payment technique would also apply to all federal workers, including the military, and other recipients.

Companies that contract business with the national government would be assigned an account in the national banking system and paid directly into their account, using the new currency.
However, it should be noted that the U.S. Treasury Note dollars are strictly domestic. Further, no foreign individual or company would be allowed to own United States property.
A new Treasury Bill would be created strictly for use with foreign nations, companies and individuals. These Bills would be denominated in such a way as to be “promises-to-pay” the bearer a stated amount of commodity, such as soybean. It might also include payment of collectibles, such as U.S. Stamps or “Modern Art.” Thus, the U.S. would establish a barter system with the other nations using basically a voucher for some valuable material located in America.

A vast new storage facility network would become the warehouse for the nation’s natural resources. It would probably be operated by Interior. A fair price would be guaranteed to farmers, ranchers, herders, miners, lumbermen, etc., for their products. The nation would then “make a market” in the commodities and other resources, selling to American entrepreneurs the raw materials they need to produce whatever their products are. This would remove speculators from the American commodity scene. The nation would add a small mark-up to the cost of the commodities obtained to pay for the cost of storage and administration.

While the banking system was being set up, the United States would begin to operate all nuclear utilities, paying the owners a far price. Many of these facilities are obsolete and need to be shut down. However, until new facilities could be constructed with “fail-safe” technology, they would need to be operated by the government which alone can provide all the money that is required to succeed. The operation of nuclear facilities is too dangerous to be left to the present cast of maximum-profit owners, who may well be tempted to “make do” rather than spend what is needed to operate safely.

One reason for the national government to take over the operation of nuclear energy utilities is to establish an electric grid in conjunction with the massive infrastructural maintenance and construction projects that would be set in motion. This would allow the development of Rest & Refueling Oases to serve the emerging electrical cars planned for the people. Here, a driver could rest while his car is recharged. Also, a national electric car rental agency within Transportation would make available electric vehicles that customers could rent at one spot and leave at another. Instead of recharging, a driver could exchange his rented car for a fresh one.

This project would dove-tail well with the national partnership with new entrepreneurial engineers in the creation of a cheap “people’s electric car.” Its production would be unlike the present expensive electric cars that are not meant to compete with internal combustion engine models in terms of price. The gasoline-internal combustion engine complex makes too much money as things are to risk a switch to electric vehicles. It is a commentary on the American money crowd that this has occurred.

This new approach by the national government of partnering with Americans with good business ideas to create a funding mechanism through the national bank whereby the proposed business would be mostly owned by the nation via its banking system, and the entrepreneurs involved would have the option of “renting-to-own” the business built on their ideas and the nation’s money.

This same principle would apply to other businesses that the nation might decide to invest in, providing both seed money and continuing operating money until the enterprise could fly.
Indeed, the idea of a given citizen, making a qualifying monthly wage, being partnered with the national bank to buy a house is also timely. The national bank would buy the agreed-upon home for the citizen-partner. After the purchase agreement, a “rent-to-own” contract would be operational.

Thus, the national bank would have an asset which would be so entered on the nation’s accounting ledger. It would also have a rentee. Over time, the asset would be sold to the rentee, until the asset had been turned over entirely to its new owner. The valuation of the nation’s asset would be assumed to be constant, while that of the rent-to-own partner might vary.
Along with all the new procedures for enriching Americans, there would a new accounting method that accurately took into account the purchased assets from natural resources, storage facilities, business venture partnerships, home-owning, and the infrastructural assets that would be certain to pay rents in the form of users’ fees.

All Americans would be better paid, excepting the very rich parasites whose feasting would be on a downtrend. After all, the nation was founded on Biblical principles that urged the blessed to be “free of hand” in helping the poor.

Many Americans of low intellect and character prefer to see entrepreneurs going to capitalist banks to get loans at usury. In the new system of national banking there would be no usury. Hence, a certain class of Americans would not be happy with a strong America that looked down on banks and not up.

In fact the prospect of the United States borrowing money from banks should be offensive to any patriotic heart. There’s the problem; most citizens have a more profound respect for banks, which are often constructed to resemble temples, than for their own country. If the nation borrows from banks, then it puts the banks in a superior position to the nation. The experts allied to banks cluck about the nation’s “credit” and what foreign bankers might think about America’s “credit-worthiness.”

With all American politicians kowtowing before Israel (sic) and all American financial experts bowing in deepest respect to the central banking network, the World Bank, and the IMF, there is little wonder that debt-mongering is the only game in town. Our bridges may fall into rivers, but our "allies" will get their foreign aide bonanza.

The value of American national debt to foreigners is that it is backed by the labor of the American people. This burden stretches far into the future. When a person looks at the manner by which money is created in this country, then an understanding of the term “wage slave” dawns and deepens. Americans should nor “owe their souls” to the debt-mongers’ “company store.”

By creating our own interest-free Treasury Note dollars, we would create a positive money that would annihilate debt surprisingly quickly.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


About two years ago, I had reason to go to the Arlington County Courthouse building at 1425 North Courthouse Road in Virginia. As I was walking to the entrance which is at the side facing a small open court area, I could hear the repeated cry of some male high above in the twin building across the court. This twin building holds the county detention facilities.

The voice kept crying out the single word "No!" The tone of the voice was a blend connoting horror, disbelief, loss, pain and humiliation. It was quite loud. It continued all the way to the courthouse, where I went through security. I said nothing then or later. This is my first reflection on the matter.

The voice of the man was in my view undoubtedly that of a white male. His reason for crying out I immediately surmised. He had been "piped," that is to say that he was the victim of a prison rape. He was sodomized involuntarily.

Further, given the inmate population at Arlington County Detention, the probability was very high that he was sexually attacked by black inmates. There also may have been Latino participation.

The treatment of this issue in the media - especially if it's blended with entertainment - is to treat the matter as some sort of humorous matter. There may be a "Glad it's not me!" quality blended into it, and, if so, it is the closest that typical media types come to condemning a major crime. Further, there tends to be in these coverages an assumption that the rapist(s) are indicating their commendable masculinity at the expense of a "whimp." Given the dynamics of these matters, black inmates are the beneficiaries of these sorts of "spin" put on such events. In part this is no doubt a bi-product of homophilia in Arlington County and "official" America (i.e. leaders in politics and the academic-intellectual-creative complex). This is too bad, as they are entirely unworthy human specimens.

Why do some black inmates sexually attack white and other inmates? One easy answer is "the triumph of evil in our prison system." If evil is triumphant, then it must be championed by the authorities that run prisons. In this instance the people who "control" Arlington County Detention.

There can be no hypocrisy greater than sentencing a man to imprisonment for committing a crime and then incarcerating him in an institution which nurtures criminal behavior. Prating about "rehabilitation" of inmates is an absurdity where criminal behavior among inmates has a sort of state-sponsorship.

Who are the dominant forces in American politics and in the academic-intellectual-creative complex? The answer would be Jews, Freemasons, Roman Catholic leaders and business. There is overlap among these. These are also the forces behind homophilia generally. In the case of the Roman Catholic Church the record among its male clergy is so bad that the condemnation of homosexual activity invites derision. Hence, the ill influence of the Roman Catholic Church is more a matter of non-leadership in the area of moral behavior.

As Jews have produced numerous rabbis who have learnedly spoken in favor of pederasty, if the boy is less than nine years of age, informed individuals would not look for Biblical standards to dominate in this group. A brief reflection upon the movie and television dominance of Jews would confirm their liberal - not to mention pornographic - interests in sexuality. The wise individual would look elsewhere for moral leadership.

As for Freemasonry, it is closely linked to Jewry. Freemasonry "speaks" in symbols, and its symbols are Jewish and occult. Both Jews and Freemasons share an interest in the Cabalah as a fundamental source of knowledge, and it is the Jewish Cabalah they ponder. One of the premier goals of Freemasonry is to help Jews rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. For Freemasons the "Temple" has two meanings: one, a literal construction, and two, a symbolic construction (individual human "makeover"). The latter is connected to the Cabalah, to evolution, and to "perfecting" oneself.

For both occult Jews and Freemasons (the latter includes a relatively high percentage of Protestant clergy) creation from the nothingness of god to the final vulgar world included the crucial Adam Cadmus stage. This is the stage at which the male and female principles are united, prior to their bifurcation into "Adam and Eve." For both occult Jews and Freemasons homosexuality reflects that higher state when male and female principles were one. Therefore, while not equating the Adam Cadmus stage with the homosexuality of the lower material world, they see a "reflection" between them that mandates respect from them.

The ordinary world rarely perceives the religious character of concepts operating in polity that originate and are "sanctified" by the devotees of the occult mystery religions. Yet, all law flows from religious beliefs.

In America there is no separation of church and state. Biblically-based Christianity has been displaced by the concepts that spring from the Jewish Cabalah. The latter provides the inspiration for contemporary law-making. Hence, the posture of authorities toward homosexual rape and sodomy in the Arlington County Detention Center takes on the character of sponsorship, much as new laws regarding marriage, adoption, employment, and medical-pension-assisted living provisions of civil law reflect the new religion.

No prison institution can eradicate consenual homosexual relations between inmates. They can discourage it, however. Nor can any prison institution completely eradicate prison rape. However, in the latter case the offending inmates can be punished. If this is a capital crime on the "outside," it should be on the inside of prisons. I believe that such inmates should be put to death. The alternate would be to isolate such inmates on a 24/7 basis in a "no-frills" institution which costs the nation the least possible money consistant with health standards.

In prison the rights of citizens are abridged. The right to privacy is one such abridgement. Therefore, all prisons/detention facilities could be equipped with an array of cameras that precluded any criminal act going unnoticed (at least by the videomaking cameras). These videos could be automatically stored each day to preclude their "being lost." Were a video "lost," the top officials at the facility and with the company that operated the video-storage facility could receive mandatory five year sentences for evidence tampering. If a politician(s) ordered up the video and destroyed it, he/they would automatically receive twenty year sentences with no possibilty of "presidential pardon." In short it is possible to discourage "authorities" from destroying evidence.

Now, returning to the hapless man that I heard loudly shouting his lament. When I left the courthouse area, he was still at it. Absolutely no one seemed concerned among the "authorities" visible on the outside and surely aware of it on the inside. Odds were good that some "jokes" were bandied about by them. That is the way of modern America.

As it happened, only a few days later, I was again sent to the Arlington County Courthouse. As I was going toward the entrance, I could hear some discussion of me. The voices were mostly those of black males. The Detention Center holding cells in part overlook the court that separates the Detention Center from the Courthouse. However, one of the voices was that of a white man. The black males were making sexually-charged comments. The white voice asked "why the comments," or something of the sort. There was some sort of garbled reply from one or more black inmates. The white man then replied, "You really did a number on me."

At that point I realized that that man was the same that had been shouting his lament a few days prior. It further dawned on me how racist the prison system was - not based on white attitudes but on black behavior. With the laissez-faire policy of the Arlington County officials, consistent with the new laws of America based on its new religion, I saw that racism was already institutionalized here.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I've noticed that with the relentless waging of war by America has come a growing trend to make of our wars "holy wars" and of our fallen soldiers "hero saints" whose spilt blood sanctifies the fields on which it flowed. In my mind this borders on idolatry and is false.

American leaders have now made wars to impose democracy as Biblically correct. It is The Most High's desire. To impose democracy and freedom upon all the people of the world is a sacred duty consistent with the obligation to "repair the world." It amounts to bringing the blessings of Heaven upon Earth.

My understanding of Heaven is that it isn't a democracy. Of course, what do I know?

The elite leadership of America believes in "repairing the world." The Pentagon is gung-ho to annihilate the impaired shards of creation so that the world will become progressively "better."

Since Christianity is itself an impaired shard from the point of view of these elite thinkers, you will excuse this Christian's "count me out" attitude. Perhaps that was the wrong terminology to use, given the annihilation scenario.

Focusing once more on my primary thrust in this blog, I must say that the U.S. fighting men have never been saintly. In fact they are sometimes barbarous. They may look spiffy in new and/or clean dress uniforms, but when the life and death moments arrive, they must act like savage beasts - not saints. The media would have interested Americans believe that we are sending out our best and brightest versions of Saint Francis of Assisi. Therefore, their loss is ever more painful and their blood - if not holy - is at least saintly. The image isn't accurate. The non-American world press is more likely to "tell it like it is."

To learn more about the truth of soldiers perhaps we should turn to examples of the opinions of the West's greatest soldiers that are separated by a significant period of time. Consider the famed Duke of Wellington who led England's forces against Napoleon and others.

"He took a low view of the moral character of his armies. At various times he found his forces as a whole 'infamous,' 'a rabble.' The men were 'the scum of the earth,' a phrase he repeated many times. 'None but the worst description of men enter the regular service.' Or again: 'People talk of their enlisting from their fine military feeling - all stuff - no such thing. Some of our men enlist from having got bastard children - some for minor offences - many more for drink.' The non-commissioned officers were the only group to escape criticism, and even they got disgustingly drunk on the night of a victory. The officers were brave, but could not be got to pay 'minute and constant attention to orders.' The commissariat was 'very bad indeed.' The cavalry were useless: They charged head on, then 'gallop back as fast as they gallop on the enemy'; they 'never think of maneuvring,' indeed cannot maneuver, 'except on Wimbledon Common.' The generals 'make me tremble.' The infantry, when properly trained, were all right, but even they had to be 'ruled with a rod of iron.' On the other hand, no one grudged spending his armies more than did the Duke. He wept bitterly when his officers were killed and valued the lives of his soldiers more than did any other contemporary commander, attributing his compassion to the British constitution...." [Paul Johnson, THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN, page 65]

As during the days of Wellington, many American generals and admirals rose to their positions due to political assistance. Being connected to influential people was and is the fastest route. Given the reality of ultimate power in this country (excluding the sword itself), there can be no surprise that their work tends to support, expand and enrich our Levantine "friends." Be that as it may, let us fast forward to hear from America's most decorated Marine General, Smedley D. Butler.

"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

"A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

"In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows."

Parenthetically, Eugene Meyer, the grandfather of Donald Graham, CEO of the Washington Post Company, was accused of duplicating U.S. Treasury bonds ("one for Uncle Sam, one for me, one for Uncle Sam, one for me," etc). He was brought before Congress to explain the apparent duplications. He denied involvement, but was suspected ever after of being a great thief, getting away with about 100 million dollars. Bernard Baruch, who worked with Eugene Meyer at one of the special war offices, was said to have entered service with the Wilson Administration possessing a net worth of some 18 million dollars and exiting with over 200 million dollars.

As General Butler stated, war is profitable for a few well-placed and connected speculators. But let's hear more from the General Smedley Butler's article.

"Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few - the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.

"And what is this bill?

"This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations.

"For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out....

"Yes, all over, nations are camping in their arms. The mad dogs of Europe are on the loose. In the Orient the maneuvering is more adroit. Back in 1904, when Russia and Japan fought, we kicked out our old friends the Russians and backed Japan. Then our very generous international bankers were financing Japan. Now the trend is to poison us against the Japanese....

"Boys with a normal viewpoint were taken out of the fields and offices and factories and classrooms and put into the ranks. There they were remolded; they were made over; they were made to 'about face'; to regard murder as the order of the day. They were put shoulder to shoulder and, through mass psychology, they were entirely changed. We used them for a couple of years and trained them to think nothing at all of killing or of being killed....

"Napoleon once said: 'All men are enamored of decorations...they positively hunger for them.'

"So by developing the Napoleonic system - the medal business - the government learned it could get soldiers for less money, because the boys liked to be decorated. Until the Civil War there were no medals. Then the Congressional Medal of Honor was handed out. It made enlistment easier. After the Civil War no new medals were issued until the Spanish-American War.

"Thus, having stuffed patriotism down their throats, it was decided to make them help pay for the war, too. So, we gave them the large salary of $30 a month....Half of that wage (just a little more than a riveter in a shipyard or a laborer in a munitions factory safe at home made in a day) was promptly taken from him to support his dependents, so that they would not become a charge upon his community. Then we made him pay what amounted to accident insurance - something the employer pays for in an enlightened state - and that cost him $6 a month. He had less than $9 a month left.

"Then, the most crowning insolence of all - he was virtually blackjacked into paying for his own ammunition, clothing, and food by being made to buy Liberty Bonds. Most soldiers got no money at all on pay days.

"We made them buy Liberty Bonds at $100 and then we bought them back - when they came back from the war and couldn't find work - at $84 and $86. And the soldiers bought about $2,000,000,000 worth of these bonds!...

"Well, it's a racket, all right." [from Smedley Butler, 1933 article "War Is A Racket" reprinted by The Barnes Review, July/August 2003 issue, pages 33-39]

I don't think that the military-industrial-banker complex has changed much since General Butler put his knowledge and experience to print in protest against their racket. The enlisted men are overly praised and criminally underpaid. The generals and admirals agree to do the "break-leg" work for the banking loan-sharks, which is first filtered through congress to make it all official. The few get incredibly richer with each war, and the people burdened with accruing and crushing debt.