Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The current impass between team owners and the basketball players union seems totally predictable. However, in so much as greed is justified, righteousness belongs to the players. I believe that the solution for the players is to be found in their formation of a new league that is totally owned by the players.

Certainly, there appears to be enough money collectively held by the players to start a league of sixteen teams. The league could be divided into an East Conference and a West Conference. A play-off between the top two teams in each conference would settle conference championships. The two conference champions would then meet for the title of league champion. The players on any given team would be paid on some formula composed of such items as seniority, accomplishments, playing time, and contributions to the enhancement of professional basketball in the eyes of America and the world. A solid health and retirement package could be structured. The players would select a board of directors. The board of directors would hire a professional management for the team. The management would hire the coaching staff.

With player ownership of the league teams would be better established to achieve skill parity and equality generally, although extraordinary players don't come by the gross.

According to the Bible "laborers are worthy of their hire." This concept would be best captured when the players collectively received all the income derived from their sweat and toil. Sharing income with idle rich owners does not make sense. If the basketball players owned the league, then they would be well-positioned to pay the hired administrators, managers, coaches, etc., their fair wage. A collective sense of responsibility could be generated that would bode well for basketball's future.

Most savvy professional basketball players understand that their sport enterprise has become an entertainment enterprise as well. Fan appreciation of basketball has led to the solid revenue from advertisers, as games became televised.

I believe that it is no secret that the great majority of professional basketball players are African Americans. I believe that it would only be natural to team up with Black Entertainment Television (BET) in producing a sport coverage of the new league of player-owned professional basketball. If other networks or cable television outfits wanted to pay for a piece of the pie, then that could also be considered.

However, realistically, the new player-owned league would have to compete with the remnant of the rich-people-owned NBA team condominium. Most major television networks and cable companies, such as ESPN, that have major sport programming will continue their coverage of the old professional basketball system. Many advertisers will also give priority to the "Our Crowd" networks presently televising professional basketball.

Initially, the players may have to use basketball courts that are less glamorous than the modern arena/malls constructed by rich people and politicians. The bells, lights and whistles will be missing.

Not to worry! When the kids begin to watch the players on the teams owned by the players, advertisers will perceive it and act accordingly. It is the kids who will set the professional basketball players free. It is the kids who will make the new league the most prosperous professional league to ever arise in America. Some day, some of them will even play for the new league they helped to succeed.

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