Sunday, October 10, 2010


I've varied from my norm this year, taking time to watch a few Redskin football games. What with people getting run over or otherwise injured, I've seen the ambulance-chasing profession prosper greatly over the last few years. I've made my share of loot from the carnage. Along with the tattoo business, ambulance-chasing has seen a sharp spike in business.

Therefore, I don't feel embarrassed to state that I've idled away a few hours watching football on the tube. How about them 'skins?

Some years ago (not too many, either), there was a lively debate about whether the Redskins professional football team should change its name. Certain Indian tribal peoples sued them, as I recall. The argument seemed to be that the name was "racist." Indian proponents of change pointed out that no team would name itself with terms such as Kikes, Honkeys, Slopes, Towelheads, Wops, or Rugheads.

Unfortunately for the Indian lawsuit, the judges involved in the case were not "agents of change."

Now it should be noted that the term "Redskin" arose among early American settlers on the Atlantic seaboard because the predominant tribe(s) encountered daubed red clay (or the like) on their skin. Whether this coating was meant to be a protective coating from stinging bugs, as with elephants and other insect-afflicted beasts, I cannot say. Perhaps, as with modern women, this coating was thought a beauty-enhancing addition. Also, there may have been a desire to appear fierce, dignified, or peaceful. Hard to say right off.

That tidbit of info was just thrown in due to my living in Virginia, and we are all so concerned about education. I keep lecturing the youngsters, "Don't use crystal meth!" Also, I tell them, "Don't jaywalk like the DC people do (especially when drunk)."

The point of this blog is that I have a name-change for the Washington Redskins. I propose that the new name for the team be "Washington Skin-Of-The-Teethskins." 

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