Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Great Oil Price "Rip Off"

Naturally, as a "man on the run," I don't care for these elevated gasoline prices. In my kind of profession--I should say my branch--it takes some time for the loot to roll in. There is a long, exacting "foreplay" before you can "cash in." I spend, spend, spend, just to get the opportunity to speak "tortmada," as we playfully term our legal snarework. Let's cut to the chase: I'm daily spending "big bucks" on gasoline--with nothing coming in to compensate. Some time in the future, the process may be justified. What if it's not? Not to kvetch!

Now, call me suspicious by nature, if you like. I just don't believe that there is any oil shortage in Nature. The shortage is man-made in so far that there is any at all. Why would statesmen, politicians, academicians, "think tankers," "big shot" lawyers, and top executives of business and banking want to do such an act against the general welfare? For if there is a shortage, these are the ones that put it over. Wall Street? Of course, once these vultures see the blood on the street, they are promptly driving the prices of everything in the area of commodities up. Most plan to sell out to the avaricious "little guy" following the "big birds of scavange."

There is a word for Wall Street's great "oil rush of 2008." Speculation. It eventually takes on a frenzied appearance. George Soros, for whom arrest warrants are outstanding in a hand-full of countries, was expert at driving up then, down a given country's currency. This is generally labeled currency manipulation. A nation's currency is treated as any commodity, such as oil, is treated. It has nothing to do with real supply and demand requirements. It is artificial.

Remember that word: artificial.

Americans have watched, as a herd of cows under a tree gazing forth incomprehendingly while chewing their cuds, as the New World Order constructed a connected global system. In this new system speculators preside, somewhat after the fashion of NYSE Specialists, except they have no interest in overseeing an orderly market. The great fortunes of the world are rarely injured by these events. In the case of a connected firm such as Baring Merchant Bank of Great Britain, it's demise was apparently acceptable to even better established firms. For even at this exalted level, a game of "musical chairs" is being played.

Why, you may ask, don't our politicians do something. About one third of the crowd on Capitol Hill are members of the global elite, or are their servants. They are not YOUR servants. About ninety percent of the rest are eagerly looking to eat what falls from these people's plates. Most of those who believe themselves far-sighted and responsible people are also people who key off their own special political favorites for hints as to the appropriate position to assume in public.

The issue is the price of a barrel of oil. This commodity is closely aligned with war and peace since the advent of the 20th century. It is still associated with oil and peace in the minds of many observers, of which I am one. Possession and/or control over it has generated strategic leverage for the few. This leverage creates both money and power. Henry Kissinger observed that "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." This puts power into a context that can bode ill for the general welfare.

One would also be wise to recall that to such elite individuals as the late Nelson Rockefeller and to such elite organizations as the Club of Rome, there are "too many people on earth" to rationally manage. Nelson Rockefeller is said to have believed that one billion people was the maximum acceptable number to properly manage. [Sounds like a global national socialism under the dictatorship of the "wise."] Others seem to belief that that figure of Nelson's is a bit high.

Well, with more than six billion on Earth now, plenty must go and not be replaced. Whose to go? That answer will probably be answered by a combination of pharmaceutical companies, certain academic and military scientists, and regulatory government bodies, which are able to mandate and con the people of the world into taking a vaccine to save them from a pandemic. Naturally, historians looking back on the great plague of the 21st century will call the unintended cause of the massive deaths: "The Jim Jones Vaccine."

The point is that there are numerous elements in the ruling circles of the world which may imagine a great good to come from the higher prices. Whether the "global warming" issue has been settled as legitimate or not, it does demonstrate the road toward global government (to confront such disasters), which is desired more or less uniformly by the global National Socialists. Outwardly, it may have a Democratic appearance, but it will be controlled by an iron fist of elitists.

Their troops may be seen in Mayor Fenty's Washington, D.C., where anticarism is everywhere apparent. You see, to the dogs of the elite, it is the ordinary people, driving their cars and trucks, who are the enemy. The paisano is always sheared by these people, and then they are blamed for current problems. Mayor Fenty & his regime will never see themselves as "sorceror's apprentices" mucking up everything they can get their hands on, while giving away as much of the city as possible to "sideshow impresarios."

This is a city that NEVER elected a mayor who could oversee the proper asphalting of a road. Always, the freshly asphalted roads begin to appear to be "black, undulating dunes." This is probably because the mix has been "shorted" to save money for the firm doing the work. This is a city that probably has more "meter maids" than well-trained teachers.

This is only one city. They are all across America now. The elite work their magic everywhere. Funny, it just doesn't look like magic. It looks like incompetence wedded to Potempkin villages being erected in all urban settings.

Members of Congress operate on the same standard of "half-baked" ideas, as is found in American cities. Consider:

"House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Democrats will use the pending farm bill to reduce the subsidy, while Republicans are looking to go further, rolling back government rules passed just four months ago that require blending ethanol into gasoline.

" 'The view was to look to alternatives and try to become more dependent on the Midwest than the Middle East. I mean, that was the theory. Obviously, sometimes there are unforseen or unintended consequences of actions,' Mr. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat, told reporters yesterday.

"Only a year ago, Congress and President Bush seemed to view ethanol as a near-magic solution to the nation's dependence on oil and counted on it to make a dent in greenhouse gas...." [THE WASHINGTON TIMES, Thursday, May 1, 2008, frontpage col. by Stephen Dinan]

These people are always apparently "a day late and a dollar short" or chasing the latest proposed solution to an alleged problem.

Although few politician on Capitol Hill, other than Rep. Ron Paul and a few others, perceive a ready solution to our immediate needs, there seems to be a relatively short-term fix. Consider:

" 'Crude oil is the currency of the world,' said Lindsey Williams...But Americans will never hear about huge oil and gas reserves in the United States, which, if ever tapped would bring today's fuel prices at least as low as $1.50 per gallon and make America more energy independent.

"As a Baptist missionary in the 1970s, Williams said he rubbed elbows with members of the world's power elite--who boasted of detailed 30-year and 50-year plans to control the flow of oil and information.

"A huge quantity of crude oil and natural gas exists under Gull Island, located in the waters of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, says Williams. He cited key British Petroleum memoranda and related the statements of upper echelon oil officials who told him that Gull Island would be kept under wraps, limiting domestic supplies so Americans would someday see prices hit up to $10 a gallon at the pump....

"The 30-year plan, which was first proposed three decades ago and is nearing fruition, included smug assurances from oil officials that the United States will triple its crude-oil usage and alternate fuels will not be allowed to gain enough ground to make a difference. They also noted that all foreign oil production will be scaled back to the United States and that Americans soon will pay $4 to $5 a gallon at the pump and could pay as much as $7 to $10 down the road.

"In the early 1960s crude oil was selected as a tool of world control, Williams said, adding, 'What we pay at the gas pump is a form of taxation.' The American consumer's dependence on crude oil thus far enabled people from foreign oil-producing nations to buy T-bills (U.S. treasury notes) in order to support the U.S. national debt and continued deficit spending. The need to support that debt puts the U.S. government in a bind, forcing Americans to remain dependent on foreign oil...." [AMERICAN FREE PRESS, August 14, 2006, p.14, article by Mark Anderson]

The important thing to remember is that an elite group, which is extra-national and which views ordinary Americans as ignorant paisano, has set up an artificial shortage to drive up prices for the purpose of forcing their ulterior set of goals upon the citizenry. They will seek to force new patterns which they believe will advance the New World Order. The media and educational system can be expected to act as an "amen corner" to help sponsor the "half-baked" ideas, which eventually set up the reality described in Revelation, as the whole unnatural contraption falls down, even as the merchants of the earth weep bitter tears and wail their sorrow.

In brief the American people are ruled by con men and thieves extraordinaire--and they love it. You see: It hurts so good. And the American people are the embodiment of the masochist. They consider pain a "blessing." Their preachers and priest tell them to be thankful because they are so blessed.

I am trying to figure out a way to chase after these people and make some money. There may be a "tortmada" involved. It hurts me too! Damn gas prices! Well, they say you have to spend money to make it.

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