Thursday, February 21, 2008


Today, as I was driving in pursuit of my professional duties and listening to the traffic station of record, WTOP, I was forced to listen to one of their advertisements (infomercial?). A woman was encouraging listeners to prepare themselves for tomorrow's global labor market. What is she saying? Who are the people behind this march to global work force? Are we being craftily advised that the "dictatorship of the proletariat" is at hand? Can the federal government be one of the driving forces toward achievement of a "global labor force?" Is the invasion of America by people ostensibly seeking work, which work America's global corporations are rapidly deploying elsewhere, some sort of signal that "Uncle Sam" may as well be given a grave site at Arlington National Cemetery?

As a man of the law, I am trained in reasoning. I ask myself: If the world is experiencing a growing fuel crisis, is it wise to utilize expensive, diminishing fuel stocks to shuttle workers back and forth around the globe? How are ordinary workers expected to deploy themselves? Will enormous global corporations pay a building maintenance man's way to China to labor at one of its buildings there? And doesn't anyone stay home anymore?

Or does the expression "global labor market" only apply to people trained at the best universities in business management and in debt mongering? The remaining "serfs" would naturally be attached to one of the looming latifundia, none of which are going anywhere (and neither are they).

Ordinary Americans, at this time, have a narrowing window of opportunity to halt the deconstruction of America and restore those guiding principles and rules of law and procedure which oversaw this people's rise to greatness. This opportunity will certainly fail if they continue to elect members in good standing of the Resident Evil which presently issues the diabolical policies and decisions which are killing our sovereign--we ourselves!--symbolized by Uncle Sam.

Do you want to get laid? In Arlington National Cemetery with Uncle Sam?

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